Answered By: Andrea Sullivan
Last Updated: Mar 09, 2021     Views: 856

For your course, you may be asked to analyze the contents of an issue of a current nursing journal. Because the majority of the library's collection of current journals are electronic, you'll need to access journal titles through our database subscriptions.

Follow the steps below to discover and access journal issues.

1. Find a nursing journal

To find a nursing journal to use for your assignment, click 'Find' in the top navigation bar on the library website and then click on the 'Journals, Magazines, & Newspapers' link.

2. Search for a journal title by keyword

Search for journal titles that have "nursing" or "nurse" in the title by entering one of these terms in the search box.

3. Find a journal with full text coverage available to present

Click through the results to find a journal that is available in full text up to the current issue by checking the 'Coverage' field in the journal information.

When you find a journal that does, click the link to the link to the journal that is provide.

4. Navigate to a list of journal issues

Navigate the page to find a list of journal issues. The interface will differ based on the database or journal publisher that is providing access to the journal you've selected.

5. Select an issue

Once you've found a list of journal issues, select the issue you want to examine for your assignment.

6. Download PDFs of journal content

Find download links for all available content from the journal issue. Some databases or journal websites will even provide a link to download all content at once.

7. Analyze contents of journal issue

With the contents of the journal issue downloaded, you're now ready to beginning reading through and analyzing it for your assignment.